Minggu, 03 November 2013

Oxidation Reaction of Cyclohexanol and Cannizzaro Reaction of Benzaldehyde


Ni Luh Gede Enik Karnila Yanti
Chemistry Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Ganesha University of Education
email: enikkarnilayanti@yahoo.co.id


The aims of the experiment was to (1) undertand the oxidation-reduction reaction of organic compound (2) identify product of the reaction. The compound used are cyclohexanol and benzaldehyde were prepared by the laboratory assistant as the subjects of this experiment. The mechanism and the product of the redox reaction reaction were as the object in this experiment. The procedure was divided into two steps are cyclohexanol oxidation reaction and oxidation- reduction of aldehyde by Base Catalyst: Cannizzaro Reaction. The data obtain  are cyclohexanon as the result of cyclohexanol oxidation is 4.80 mL and has boiling point of 153oC with percent yield is 70.86%;  the white crystal of benzoic acid resulted is 3.11 gram with percent yield is 69.84%; and the benzyl alcohol resulted is 2.8 mL and has boiling point of 205oC with percent yield is 73.87%.

Key words: Oxidation reaction, Cyclohexanol, Cannizzaro reaction, Benzaldehyde.


Primary alcohol
Carboxylic acid
One type of reaction that often occurs in organic reactions is oxidation and reduction reactions. Reduction reaction involves the addition of hydrogen, while the oxidation reaction is the reaction by the addition of oxygen. Reduction and oxidation reactions are often found in the reactions involving compounds containing double bonds or triple such as aldehydes and ketones. A common reaction occur in the alcohol is the oxidation reaction to form carbonyl group.  (Suja and Muderawan, 2003).
Cyclohexanol Oxidation Reaction
Oxidations of primary alcohols produce aldehydes and if oxidized further to give the carboxylic acid. Oxidation of the  secondary alcohol will produce ketones but  the oxidation reaction cannot be performed at a tertiary alcohol (L.G. Wade, 2010).

Figure 01. Primary alcohol will result aldehyde and further oxidation will result carboxylate acid
Secondary alcohol

Figure 02. Oxidation of secondary alcohol will result ketones

Primary and secondary alcohols can be oxidized by some reagents are chromium oxides, permanganate, nitric acid, and even household bleach (NaOCl, sodium hypochlorite) (L.G. Wade, 2010). Oxidation of alcohol will much more occur in acid condition (Nurlita & Suja, 2004).
Cyclohexanol is secondary alcohol. Chromic acid reagent is often used as oxidizing agent of secondary alcohol in laboratory (L.G. Wade, 2010). The chromic acid reagent is prepared by dissolving sodium dichromate (Na2Cr2O7) or potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) in a mixture of sulfuric acid and water. The active species resulted in the mixture is probably chromic acid, H2CrO4, or acid chromate ion, HCrO4- (L.G. Wade, 2010). The reactions is as follows

            The mechanism of oxidation by Chromic acid probably involves the formation of a chromate ester.  Chromate ester is eliminated to gives ketone. Where the carbinol carbon retains its oxygen atom but loses its hydrogen and gains the second bond to oxygen, as shown in the following mechanism (L.G. Wade, 2010).

Figure 3. Formation of the chromate ester
Figure 4. Elimination of the chromate ester and oxidation of the carbinol carbon

Oxidation-Reduction Reaction of Aldehydes with Base Catalyst (Cannizzaro Reaction)
Cannizaro reaction is the reverse of aldol condensation reaction is a chemical reaction that involves disproportionate aldehydes without hydrogen at the position alpha induced by bases. Reaction in an aldehydes group is divided into two, namely aldehydes that have alpha hydrogen and aldehydes that do not have alpha hydrogen. Alpha hydrogen is hydrogen attached to the alpha position of a carbonyl group. For example, acetaldehyde has alpha hydrogen, is an aldehydes that has no alpha hydrogen is benzaldehyde.

Alpha hydrogen has acidic properties; it is due to resonance stabilization of the enolate ion products. An aldehydes with hydrogen would undergo aldol condensation reaction, being that has no alpha hydrogen will undergo Cannizzaro reaction, with the help of a strong base. Will give the aldol condensation of a betha-hydroxy aldehydes product. The word comes from the aldol here aldehydes and alcohols that are formed from the reaction product, for the condensation reaction is a reaction in which two or more molecules combine into one larger molecule, with or without the loss of a small molecule (the water). Aldol condensation is an addition reaction where there is a small molecule released.
While an aldehydes without the addition of alpha hydrogen cannot experience them to generate aldol products. That is because an aldehydes without alpha hydrogen (such as benzaldehyde and formaldehyde) cannot form enolate ions and thus cannot do dimerization the aldol condensation.


If an aldehydes with no alpha hydrogen is heated with a solution of potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide concentrated, there will be a disproportionate reaction or dismutase where half the aldehydes is oxidized to carboxylic acids and the other half would be reduced to an alcohol. This reaction is known as Cannizaro reaction. The driving force for Cannizaro reaction is the formation of resonance stabilized carboxylate ion.
Benzoat ion
Resonance of benzoat

Resonance of benzoate ions that causes the reaction is skewed to the right (products). Broadly speaking Cannizaro reaction to benzaldehyde is as follows:
Benzoat ion
Benzyl alcohol

Figure 5. The reaction mechanism (addition reaction at carbonyl group)


Simplify, the Cannizzaro mechanism can be define as following reaction:
Cannizaro reaction is initiated by OH- attack on the carbonyl carbon, followed by a handover hydride. At first a benzaldehyde attacked by OH- to form a strong base anion (1). Since the anion is not stable, then there was movement of a pair of free electrons to form double bonds (carboxyl structures) are more stable, resulting in H atom (proton) move to the carbonyl C atom of the benzaldehyde another and formed an intermediate structure (2). Anion can transfer hydride ion to the carbonyl carbon atom in the molecule other aldehydes. After that proton transfer occurs to produce the carboxyl anion and alcohol.

Equipments and Materials
Experiment was done at organic chemistry laboratory Ganesha University of Education. This experiment need time approximately 12 hours to finish all steps. To conduct the experiment need some equipments and materials. The equipments were used are Erlenmeyer flask 100 mL, Erlenmeyer flask 250 mL, thermometer, spatula, stirrer rod, distillation equipment, electrical balance, beaker glass 100 mL, beaker glass 500 mL, magnetic stirrer, heater, graduated cylinder 10 mL, graduated cylinder 50 mL, funnel, Buncher funnel, separatory funnel, ring, clamp, statif, volumetric pipette 5 mL and ball filler.
The materials used in this experiment namely, 0.03 mole of K2Cr2O7, 7 mL of concentrated H2SO4, 0.065 mole of cyclohexanol, 500 mL of distilled water, 0.2 gram of H2C2O4 , 100 Ml of ether, 7 gram of KOH, 7,5 gram of benzaldehyde , dilute HCl (at sufficiently), 5 mL of saturated Na-bisulphite, 5 ml of Na2CO3, CuSO4 (at sufficiently) and filter paper (at sufficiently).
Cyclohexanol Oxidation       
8.82 gram of K2Cr2O7 was dissolved in  40 mL of aquades in Erlenmeyer 100 mL and  it was added by 7 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid carefully. This orange-red solution was cooled down at room temperature. As much as 0.065 mole of cyclohexanol was mixed with 25 mL of aquades in Erlenmeyer 250 mL. Then, dichromate solution was added into mixture of cyclohexanol and it was shaken. The temperature was kept at 550 C by cooling in the ice water. When the temperature was constant, the flask was moved from the ice water and it was added by 0.2 gram of oxalic acid to reduce the excess of dichromate. After that, this mixture was moved into round flask 150 mL and it was added by 35 mL of aquades, and then it was extracted 3 times by using ether (3x 25 mL). The ether layer was collect, it washed by aquades and Na-bicarbonate, then it was separated and the ether layer was dried by anhydrous substance. Then, it was filtered and entered into 50 mL of flask and it was distilled.  The result was record.
Oxidation- Reduction of Aldehyde by Base Catalyst: Cannizzaro Reaction
            Seven gram of KOH was dissolved with 7.5 mL of water in Erlenmeyer flask 100 mL and it was cooled down in ice bath. Then, it was added by 7.5 mL of benzaldehyde, closed and shaken until it was formed viscous emulsion. The mixture was stirred along 1 hour. Then, it was added by 25 mL of aquades and moved into separatory funnel. The mixture then was extracted by using 5 mL of ether, shaken and let it until it was formed two layers. The extract of ether was separated. The residue was extracted again with 5 mL of ether , then the first and second extract of ether layer were mixed. On the other hand, water layer was moved into beaker glass and acidified by using dilute HCl while the solution was cooled down in ice bath and stirrer. The precipitate of benzoic acid was filtered by Buchner funnel, washed by aquades and recrystallized with hot water. On the other hand, ether layer extract was added by 5 mL of saturated Na-bisulphite , then the product was filtered. The ether layer was washed by 5 mL of Na2CO3 10% and 5 mL of aquades in separatory funnel. The water layer was discharged. The ether layer was dried by anhydrous substance and it was distilled.

Oxidation of cyclohexanol produces colorless cyclohexanon which has boiling point of 153oC and the volume is 4.8 mL.
Cannizzaro reaction of benzaldehyde produces benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol. Benzoic acid resulted is white crystal with m.p. of 121oC. The crystal obtained is 3.11 grams. Benzyl alcohol resulted is colorless solution with b.p. of 205oC. The solution obtained is 2.8 mL. 
Oxidation Reaction of Cyclohexanol
In theoretical, the oxidation reaction of cyclohexanol that is secondary alcohol produces a ketone namely cyclohexanon. The chromic acid reagent is often used for laboratory oxidations of secondary alcohol which is prepared by dissolving sodium dichromate (Na2Cr2O7) in sulfuric acid as the following equation:

The oxidation mechanism by chromic acid involves the formation of a chromate ester.  Chromate ester is eliminated to gives ketone. Where the carbinol carbon retains its oxygen atom but loses its hydrogen and gains the second bond to oxygen, as shown in the following mechanism:

Formation of chromate ester

For the experiment, it was obtained 4.8 mL of colorless cyclohexanone that has boiling point of 153oC. Oxidation reaction of cyclohexanol become cyclohexanone can be seen as the following reaction:
C6H11OH + Cr2O72- → C6H11O + Cr3+ +     H2O
Based on the reaction above, in theoretical mole of cyclohexanone resulted = mole of cyclohexanol used which is 0.065 mole.
Theoretical mass of cyclohexanone = mole cyclohexanone x Mr
= 0.065 mol x 99 gr/mole
= 6.435 gam
While, based on the experiment, volume of cyclohexanone (r= 0,95 g/mL)  resulted = 4.8 mL.
So, the mass of cyclohexanone = volume of cyclohexanone  x r
 = 4.8 mL x 0,95 g/mL
  = 4.56 gram
From the calculation above, it can be obtained the percentage of yield as the following way:
% yield =
                                = 70.86 %
Cannizzaro Reaction of Benzaldehyde
Redox reaction of benzaldehyde by using basic catalyst involves several mechanisms which can be drawn as follows:


Based on the experiment, it produced benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol. 3.11 gram of white crystal of benzoic acid obtained is with melting point of 121oC. While, colorless benzyl alcohol obtained is 2.8 mL with boiling point of 205oC.   
              Theoretically, the mass of benzoic acid obtained must be 4,453 gram and the volume of benzyl alcohol obtained must be 3,79 mL according to the following equation:
Mass of benzaldehyde = V benzaldehyde x ρ
                          = 7,5 mL x 1,04 gr/mL
                          = 7,8 gram
                      = 0,073 mole
              While benzaldehyde is reacted to form benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol with ratio 1:1. Therefore, the theoretical mass of benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol obtained can be calculated as follow:
Mole benzoic acid = mole of benzyl alcohol = ½ mole benzaldehyde = 0,0355 mole
M of benzoic acid = mole x Mr
=0,0365 mole x 122 gr/mole
= 4,453 gram
M of benzyl alcohol = mole x Mr
=0,0365 mole x 108  gr/mole
= 3,942 gram
V of benzyl alcohol = Mass / ρ
                           = 3,942 gram/ 1,04 gr/mL
                           = 3,79 mL
              From the experiment, mass of benzoic acid obtained is 3,11 gram. While, the mass of benzyl alcohol obtained can be calculated as follow:
M of benzyl alcohol = V benzyl alcohol x ρ
                          =2,8 mL x 1,04 gr/mL
                          = 2,912 gram

Then, the percent yield of benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol from experiment can be calculated as follow:

Based on the experiment it can be concluded that oxidation reaction of cycohexanol result cyclohexanon, colorless cyclohexanone obtained is 4.8 mL that has boiling point of 153oC. the percent yield is  70.86 %. Cannizzaro reaction of benzaldehyde result benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol, the white crystal of benzoic acid resulted is 3.11 gram with percent yield is 69.84% ; and the benzyl alcohol resulted is 2,8 mL and has boiling point 205oC with percent purity 73.87%.

Firstly, writer is grateful to the God, for the unlimited knowledge was created. Then, thanks for lecture Mr. I Nyoman Tika, M.Si who teach Organic Experiment subject. Thank for the laboratory assistant, Mr. Lasia who guides the writer in conducting experiment and give information how to work safely. Also thanks, the lecture assistant, Mrs. Dewi who guides the writer in conducting experiment. Moreover, the last for all members of VA class who give great motivation to the writer.


L.G. Wade, J. (2010). Organic Chemistry. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Eduation, Inc.
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Nurlita,Frieda dan I Wayan Suja.2004.Buku Ajar Praktikum Kimia Organik.Singaraja : IKIP Negeri Singaraja
Solomon, Graham and Craig Fryhle. 2000.Organic Chemistry, Seventh Edition. USA : John Wiley&Sons.Inc

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